Toya and her mitch

First time watcher about 3/4 through S9.

This may be a wildly unpopular opinion but I cannot stand Toya and Dr. Eugene.

A few reasons: - Toya seems to start random unwarranted drama with people ex. Getting mad at Contessa for not showing up at her party and causing a scene, trying to get Quad booted out of couples trips, antagonizing Audra for how she dresses - she’s a huge hypocrite ex. Gets mad at contessa for not showing up to her party then gets annoyed at Anila for mentioning that Toya was late to her party - dr. Eugene annoyed me because he was far too vocal about Curtis when Jackie and him went through their issues idk that just gave me the ick lmao - Eugene also annoyed me when he had such a strong opinion about quad not joining the couples trip - Eugene overreacting over the U-Haul joke was absolutely insane and then to top it off he was giggling at Toyas petty divorce basket they were bringing to Quads house just proving they’re both hypocrites that can dish it but can never take it

Toya haters please gather here, I need to find my people to vent with 😂