Melanie and Christina beef
So back when Melanie was on The Voice, singer Christina Aguilera was one of the judges. And when Melanie finished her performance Christina said. "It was very cute and it was nice to see you." And you could tell that Melanie's feeling were hurt and she looked like she was about to cry because she worked really hard on her performance. And then Melanie looked away from Christina for 1 SECOND and she yells at her for not looking at her and she laughs it off like she didn't just insult a teenager. Also because Melanie was really uncomfy with the stuff you were saying to her, and do you think someone would look into the eyes of someone who was being rude to them. No. But then Adam went out of his way to stand up for Melanie and you could see the relief on Melanie's face when he did. Having Christina as a judge was a terrible decision and it felt like she envied every female singer with potential. Also a fully grown adult bullying a teenager is just wrong.