Barbie blaster

I named the title Barbie blaster because that’s what people call it and maybe it’ll give more attention and I forget what the pistol is called

Hello, I’m a new player, and I only have about 40 hours in quick play and I’m kinda bad at the game and I’m trying to figure out how to use her pistol effectively and it feels like I’m very slow and stuttering. Is there a way to fix that? I’m on console, Xbox I use a controller

What’s your mercy blaster settings? Are they like projectiles? How do I effectively use the pistol to get a kill if I’m in a bad situation or something? I can’t aim worth a damn

Please let me know if you can comment. It’s like first time posting I think.

I am not promoting my channel, this is unlisted video with a link that you can view. I post random stupid crap and that I edit to save my clips that are dumb stuff that I did or something that happened to me.

Barbie blaster