Louis Final Battle Phase 2 - damn. Help requested.
Is wrecking the shit out of me.
Sometimes I can get 1 of the 3 masks removed and that about as far as I can get.
92 hours of gameplay and now I’m like WTF do I do.
Didn’t really struggle the entire game till the bitter end.
Honestly not sure I’m strong enough or have enough items to debuff.
If I go one damn round where I can remove the doll/puppet thing from his mouth then it’s literally fighting from behind the rest of the way.
Also no idea how to block is devestating reset attack or whatever it is. Takes 50-75% HP away from everyone in one hit.
Beyond frustrating.
Has been a nice enjoyable challenge and story till this point and now I’m like FML :>.
Appreciate support here and not trolling ;-).
Update as a few asked:
- Protagonist, 69, Prince, Master
- Strohl, 66, Royal warrior, Master
- Hulk, 67, Royal Knight, Master
- Heismay, 65, Tycoon, Master
- Junah, 66, Persona Master, Master
- Eupha, 64, Devil Summoner, Master
- Basilio, 68, Destroyer, Master
No game should allow you to play 90+ hours to get to the final boss and be completely ill prepared to defeat them AND have no way to fix that predicament you find yourself in.
Can’t believe I’ll likely quit this game. Fucking pissed.