I bought Xanax and tested it

https://imgur.com/a/GPg6IvL so I paid my brother 150 for 16 Xanax bars. Well what he said sounded sketchy to me. I take these every so often for sleep. He said these particular Xanax are from another country and to only take 1/4 if that, that’s how strong they are(his words). At this point I already paid him and he was on the way with the package. I crushed up one of these bars (here’s a real picture of them) https://imgur.com/a/kMUhROk mixed with water and tested it. Is it possible this is a false positive and actually is Xanax? Why his sketchy behavior? I’m pissed because he knows I am on methadone and knows they just bumped me up from 100 to 110. My feelings are hurt and I feel like he lied to me.

Edit: my brother explained. I wanted your opinion on this. I don’t know anything about this stuff. I really have a lot of respect for him, as he’s my older brother and always looked out for my best interest in the past. This is what he sent me in response to me testing the xans, they are apparently a different benzo from another country which doesn’t bother me as at least it’s not fent, but how likely is this story true?

Edit:: I talked to my brother. His excuse is it’s a higher potent benzo that tests positive for fent. Is this true? I’m so so confused now. I didn’t know this.
