Zinc L-carnosine has been helping repair leaky gut and allowing me to consume fermented foods
Just a quick update. I have made significant progress with probiotics, but one issue I've been dealing with is histamine-related flare ups any time I consume fermented foods. I hypothesised this was related to my leaky gut so my priority has been trying to repair that. I had tried L-glutamine, bone broth, collagen and much more to repair my leaky gut, but had still been having issues.
Recently I tried zinc l-carnosine and it's made a massive difference. I have been able to eat fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha, and get away with eating things that would normally send me into brain fog hell.
Definitely worth looking into if you're experiencing similar issues with leaky gut.
To go into a bit more detail, here is what is currently helping me heal my gut out of the ~100 supplements I've tried:
- Zinc L-carnosine
- D-lactate free probiotic powder by Custom Probiotics
- Bifido BB536 probiotics
- Fermented foods (sauerkraut and kombucha - I'm still not able to tolerate kefir and other dairy based ferments)
- Vit B, C and D
Flare up supplements:
- Quercetin and Luteolin are flavonoids that help to quell my flare ups
- Psyllium husk also seems work wonders at lowering inflammation and pulling me out of a flare up