Can we talk about water beads?

This is a rant for what my sister went through last night.

My niece G (23 months) was playing with a ball full of water beads and it popped, my other niece L (4) ran to her mom and and told her “G popped the ball and is eating the beads!” My sister freaked out (rightfully so) and they took G to the ER, they waited for 2 hours while being told “I don’t understand why this is a problem” and the hospital had to call poison control because they didn’t know what to do and to top it all off poison control said she’d be fine! They then told her to take G to a different hospital 1.5 hours away and they started the transfer, they were there for 4 hours in total before they had to drive 1.5 hours to a different hospital, when they got there they had the ER prepared just in case. They sedated her and put in a scope to check and everything was fine, she didn’t eat one, thank God!

Hearing about this this morning got me so upset for my sister, she could have lost her child because the hospital didn’t know what they were doing and had no urgency for an urgent situation.

My biggest fear as a mother is something like this happening but with a different outcome.

Edit: How are water beads still being sold?