Tips for getting toddlers to eat things they’ve decided they don’t like/veggies

My toddler has reached her picky eating phase where she will go back and forth on what she likes and dislikes but the problem Id like to solve is how often she decides the healthiest part of her meal is a no go. I’ve been going by the rule “I provide what’s on her plate and she decides whether she eats it or not” so I’ve been trying not to let her likes and dislikes sway what I feed her but her lack of veggie eating is getting to me and I feel the need to not provide food she will eat breads/pastas/starch in hopes she’ll eat more of the healthy parts of her meal.. today for lunch I made her a sandwich with peas and orange slices she was only eating the bread.. she would take a bite of her sandwich some how remove the filling and only eat the bread… so I took the bread and left the filling… no fussing on her part she just started eating the filling that she wouldn’t eat a second before but still won’t touch the peas or orange..