Stomach After Baby

What has everyone done for that weird lower stomach deposit of fat that just won’t budge after having a baby? I’m back to lower than my pre pregnancy weight, I work out regularly, but I just have this deposit of fat/loose skin that won’t budge.

I did have a c section and I’m sure that’s partly why I have this still, but my stomach doesn’t look like other women’s I’ve seen that have had a c section. Mine isn’t really a shelf and I barely even have a scar. I also don’t seem to have any scar tissue where the incision was. My fat deposit is like directly under my belly button.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? I figured exercise would eventually get rid of it, but I’m over three years out.

I’m open to trying anything short of actual surgery. I was honestly looking at before and after photos and considering it, but my scar area itself really isn’t an issue so I don’t think I’d benefit the same. Has anyone successfully eliminated this? I’d love to hear your stories!