Is this a fair division of labour between my husband and I (sorry it’s so long)

I’m a stay at home mom while my husband works. Most days we both get about 2 hours of me/gaming time and spend 30minutes with purely each other each day that we call our cuddle time.

Weekdays I get her up and ready for the day (teeth, hair, dressing ect), prep and clean up after breakfast and lunch, get her down for a nap, prep dinner for cooking, load and unload the dishwasher. Every other day I do bath time. While my husband cooks the dinner I prepped, does any dishes that didn’t fit in the dishwasher, and puts her down for bed.

Weekends my husband gets our daughter up and ready for the day (teeth hair dressing) gets her breakfast including prep and clean up. My husband will mostly do lunch on his own but I help with clean up. I prep dinner as I would on weekdays. We both cook and get our daughter her dinner and clean up. I load and unload the dish washer while my husband does the dishes that didn’t go in the dishwasher. I’ll do her baths if it’s a bath day and put her down at bedtime.

Once a week I do the sweeping mopping vacuuming, and cleaning the litter box. As needed I dust, order and put away groceries and make premade meals/meal parts for daughter’s breakfasts and lunches. While my husband will pick up special items we can’t get in our grocery orders as needed and cleans the bathroom every other week.

I thought this was fair but I’m starting to question if I’m asking too much of my husband.?