Positioning was very important. Was.
Then: Wanna use an item? Go to a safe spot first. The monster is gonna attack? Get out of the hitzone. Blocking reduces stamina, reduces greatsword sharpness, may not completely mitigate the damage, still immobilizes the character when hit. Wanna punish the monster's attack? Make sure to orient your attack so that you'll have a dodge angle that can get you out of the next attack's hitzone. Wanna deal meaningful damage? Hit the monster's weakspot. Wanna get the tail? Cut the tail. Wanna gather items? Go up to a gathering spot.
Now: Wanna use an item? Use it as soon as you can. The monster is gonna attack? You have a parry now, we'll even reward you for parrying. Wanna punish the monster's attack? Just do your combo, your dodge is omnidirectional now thanks to focus mode. Wanna deal meaningful damage? Don't worry about trying to hit weakspots, the spots you hit will eventually become weakspots because of the wounding mechanic. Wanna get the tail? Just attack wherever, you'll be rewarded with a tail anyway. Wanna gather items? Just shoot the items with your slinger, surely that won't destroy them in the process.
Placing traps still immobilizes the hunter I think. But it's really apparent that fewer and fewer players use traps.