why does every finishing touch on an outfit have to be VIP?

(IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: VERY sorry for the username. before anyone asks, i made it years ago and was quoting tyler the creator. i'm not a creep nor a guy. regret lol)

ANYWAY- i've been working on sanrio outfits for something like a lookbook and of course they have the perfect kuromi dress- and of course it's VIP. so disheartening cause this has been a reoccurring issue for every outfit with no replacements to use.

you can't convince me this isn't kuromi inspired ! WHY VIP WHY

makes me question whether just getting a VIP ticket once would be worth it to get the finishing touches for outfits, but then again i really should be saving my money since i don't have a stable income.
AAAA i just want to be able to complete my looks 😭 anyone have this same issue?
(my username is moonlightchihiro on US servers if anyone wants to be besties btw )