Tried to come out to my parents today, went about as well as expected

Dressed up fem for the first time on a day out with friends (I got changed in the bathroom in the city). Decided to come home wearing the clip-on earrings, skirt and leggings.

My father (who picked me up) didn't say a word to me after seeing what I was wearing except to ask where I got it (it was a gift from my partner) and tell me my dinner was on the table. He wouldn't respond to any of my questions.

My mother, who got home from walking the dog some 15 mins after I did, just started yelling. She told me that I need to give it back and that it's "not an appropriate gift for a boy" and "[I] don't really feel that way, do I?" (asked in the most sarcastic way possible). I was feeling euphoric, on top of the world, able to do anything. Except come home wearing some of my fav clothes, apparently.

here's a list of various arguments against me, thrown rapid-fire (in no particular order):

  • I'll just be an outcast (who cares?)
  • I should just conform to society (bruh my autism says NO)
  • There's no reason for me to do this (uhm excuse me??)
  • It's not appropriate (It was perfectly modest, no skin showing etc.)
  • I can't just wear that (I just spent a day wearing it)
  • I'm not a girl (false)
  • People will treat me differently if I choose to wear that (if they care so much about what other people wear I don't need them in my life)

I'm being forced to give the clothes back and tell my partner it's not appropriate. I guess I have to wait intil testosterone screws me over for another year and a bit (and I turn 18) before I get HRT then, since I can't get it prescribed without parental consent here otherwise. I'm just kinda upset that I don't get a say in what I wear. I chose today to try to come out because I'm being taken clothes shopping next week and I was hoping for something a bit better than the men's section.