Is anyone worried about a nationwide HRT ban?
I was a practicing lawyer for sometime. Currently I’m a policy and organizing researcher. Idk if I’m autistic but I definitely have an intense special interest in political economy. Every time I talk to someone about an adult nationwide ban on HRT people look at me like I am describing the impossible. But then when I ask folks why they think it’s impossible, the answers they give are just not things that would stop an HRT ban. People say the right isn’t interested in banning hormones for adults but that’s just not true, 49 republican congresspeople endorsed a ban on federal funding for trans healthcare. When I read the proposed statute, it wasn’t clear to me whether it would prevent federal funding FOR trans healthcare or prevent federal funding to organizations that provide trans healthcare, but if it’s the latter, that would function similarly to a full ban.
People say the Supreme Court won’t let it happen but I listened to the oral arguments in the Tennessee hrt ban for minors case. One of the liberal justices pointed out that Tennessee’s arguments in support of their ban would imply that it’s constitutional to pass a national ban on adults receiving HRT. The attorney for Tennessee agreed that the constitution would not prohibit a nationwide ban on adults receiving HRT. None of the conservative Supreme Court justices expressed any concern.
People say it’s just too ridiculous but this whole anti trans movement has been ridiculous and not based in reality. Trans women aren’t attacking people in bathrooms, grooming kids or dominating in women’s sports. Reality has not gotten in the way of their agenda. Why would it now?
I feel like I should stop thinking about it, but how do I stop thinking about whether I’ll be able to access medical care? I’ve been trying to stay focused but I’ve had a few panic attacks. It’s the only thing on my mind most days.