Girls who thought they were just cis, straight guys: what’s your story?

Hey y’all. I’m sorta pre-transition and I’ve been contemplating it for a long time and I think it’s what I want to do, but I’m still just trying to make sure I do what’s best for me.

For context, I’ve just been a cis, straight guy all my life, or at least presented that way, but I’ve never really felt strongly about being a man. I don’t love it, it doesn’t really make me super happy or anything, and I think I’d be happier as a girl.

I’ve been wrestling with being trans for a few years now and have come to accept that I probably am, but I haven’t really transitioned or done anything yet. I’m married to a woman, I’ve presented straight and cis my whole life, and so being a trans lesbian just feels like a big change! One that I think I’ll like, but I’m nervous.

Anyway, as someone who is trying to work through all of this and move forward, I just want to hear from the girls who were in similar situations to me. What’s your story? How did you end up where you are? What has made you happy and what helped you to know you were doing the right thing?

I appreciate all of y’all so so much. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond, and sorry if I worded anything weird or if it came out bad. I’m trying my very best.