Regarding DH's death and the situation against r/murderdroneswarzone
u/I-XIV-IV-XXV here, the owner of r/murderdroneswarzone.
First, I want to express my deepest condolences to those mourning the loss of DH. This is a difficult time for all of us, and it’s natural to feel a wide range of emotions—grief, anger, and confusion among them. DH’s impact on many of our lives is clear, and their loss has left a void that is deeply felt.
That said, it came to my attention that many are blaming the entirety of r/murderdroneswarzone regarding the bullying and harrasment that were made upon DH. I kindly ask that we refrain from blaming the entire subreddit for the actions of a few. The majority of our members are unaware of what has transpired, and casting blame on everyone only deepens divisions and makes healing harder. Yes, anyone who harassed or caused harm is unequivocally in the wrong and should be held accountable. But to throw the entire subreddit under the bus is not the solution.
We are all human, and it’s only natural to feel hurt and angry in the face of injustice. I understand your feelings; we share them. But channeling that pain into conflict or accusations will only perpetuate the cycle of hurt. Instead, we must resist the urge to turn sorrow into hostility.
Today is undoubtedly a dark day, but it does not have to define us. Tomorrow is a chance for a fresh start, a chance to reflect, and an opportunity to work towards a better, kinder community. Let’s honor DH by striving to uphold the values they stood for—whatever those may have been to you—and by ensuring we treat one another with respect and understanding, even in disagreement.
Moving forward will not be easy, but it is necessary. If we let grief consume us and let blame divide us, we lose the chance to grow stronger together. Let’s take this moment to reflect, to heal, and to commit to making our communities places where such tragedies are less likely to occur.
Let’s come together, not as factions, but as people united in our grief and our hope for a better tomorrow.