Husband cheated in Mario Party. Planning my revenge.
This is a lighthearted post. Hubby [27M] and I [23F] have been married for approx 4 years now. We play Mario Party on our Nintendo Switch with his sister and bond over it a lot.
Recently, we downloaded the new Jamboree game (it’s soooo fire) and have been on a roll. We started a game after praying taraweeh and I put the baby down to sleep. We committed to a 30 rounder. Tension was high. Almost 4 hours into the game I had an opportunity to steal a star from him, and was going to—until he BEGS me not to. I felt bad so I struck a deal: “if I don’t steal from you, you don’t steal from me.” In a desperate attempt to save himself, he agrees: “deal” he says. I trusted him, so I stole from the CPU instead. How foolish of me.
Lo and behold, in the final round, he steals from me. He knew the only way he could win was if he did. I would’ve had a guaranteed win had he not been an oath breaker. “It’s just a game baby” he says. “I see. But it’s about the principle. In the end, the game meant more to you than your word.” I responded. The betrayal was deep. So much so I was tempted to banish him to the guest room for the night.
So, anyways, he brought home a bouquet of flowers yesterday thinking all is forgiven. Little does he know it is my mission to absolutely destroy him tonight in the next game. No mercy.
It won’t end there: I was thinking to maybe put toothpaste in his dates for iftar or something. I also thought of putting veet (hair removal cream) in his body wash but that might be taking it too far…or would it?
I’m open to ideas 😂 JAK and Ramadan Mubarak.