Advanced techniques for attacking Blackheart?

I know the main answer is typically to use Commando assist, but I wanted to know other opening/weaknesses Blackheart has to attack him?

I know when he does the anti-air super, there is a window when you can jump and do your own super, but you have to time it just right. I've pulled it off a few times with Cables AHVP, but will miss from time to time and end up eating is as opposed to blocking it.

I've also had some success playing lesser skilled Blackheart players, jumping right up to him and blasting him in the face with a super, but more skilled players seem to have an answer with this by doing the air-dash and just overall spamming assists.

I mainly play team scrub as a counter pick with a really strong Blackheart player, but every so often I play one that knows how to neutralize my commando assist with the air dashes, so i'm pretty screwed if that doesn't work.

I've also had some luck just lameing them out and winning the match by having more health (typically Sentinel will stay alive) but I want to know how to attack him instead of being a sitting duck.