PMD: EoS Rom Hack That Adds Almost EVERY Pokemon!


In a fit of what i can only describe as masochistic madness I spent the last week adding every single pokemon that has complete sprites to Explorers of Sky! (Kanto-Hisui) This is a fork of Explorers of Skies by Staro, credit goes to them for the QoL tweaks and implementation of the Fairy Type! (Staro if you see this and want me to take it down let me know, id be happy to)

You can download the patches HERE! Apply the roms using this web patcher. Let me know if anything is broken and ill do my best to fix it.

Theres way too many folks to credit individually for the portraits, please check here for the credits!

UPDATE 1/11/25 -

Unfortunately i no longer have the time/resources/skill to continue to polish and fix this hack. i recommend you check out explorers of fortune, which is a better more polished version of this same idea!

KNOWN BUGS: -Crashes if you view the summary of a pokemon at chimecho assembly, but summary should work everywhere else. Don't have a fix for this one yet.