Today was my first experience of nios computer practicals and it Was the most depressing thing I have ever experienced.I really Need some genuine advice 🙏
Before coming into the main story lemme give some context, I had passed out of cbse last year but did not get 75% so decided to give nios cz of jee criteria. So my centre at first seemed a really shady one. Like firstly I could not see a single nios student other than myself in the early days probably cz it was not a big district or a city and as many of other centres those mfs asked me 3000 bribe which I refused to give.
Then before the practical exams , like other centres they did not have any proper list of datesheet or time or anything. I had to call them and visit multiple times then they released 1 day before the practical exam.
So coming to today, i thought they will atleast ask from the practical file which I had studied thoroughly. I saw other people's experiences in this sub also and expected the same. They'll ask easy questions and help me lil bit if I stutter a bit. Same happened in my previous cbse board. Practicals were the easiest thing.
So I went to the study centre and I literally couldn't find a single person other than myself which was lil bit depressing then they made me sit for almost an hour and in the meantime they were scrolling their phone. After an hour they gave me a question sheet which has 2 questions written and 1 viva of 5 marks. And After seeing the questions, i literally shitted my pants , like one was call by value call by reference in c++ and other one was to write a program to append and find a length of string. Both of which were from pure theory and in the practical file there were programs that were really easy so never had i thought there'll be questions from pure theory. I agree it was my fault to not completely study the syllabus or from theory but who tf asks so difficult questions in practicals ??? I could somehow do the first string wala program but it had one error and hence could not run and they did not even help me point out that. And second one I had no idea.
Now coming to viva, which was literally no less than an interrogation. She started from basic questions like html full form, fn of print scanf and such to like literally questions from dsa and python?????? So first few questions I could tell without any problem even I could answer the questions from python cz I was from cbse but I could not answer questions from functions arrays and stuff as I had not studied. And she still literally kept on asking for 1 hr. And I am not exaggerating my self confidence got literally so low.
And that mf said at the end I could not say even viva questions properly. And I had not studied anything, and what did I do in home as nios has no classes. And she said how could I give you marks as you could not say or do anything??? Most probably there is chance that I could fail.
Man I am literally traumatized. I am not kidding. I never cried like this ,but I was legit close to crying today. Like man I don't think any of the boards be it cbse icse or any board asks such high level questions even in their theory and practicals??? Idk what to do now .... Did they give me such hard questions intentionally as I was the only one there ??? Or does it happen in every study centre?
Now the issue is I have physics chem and data entry practicals left. What if they ask me similar questions or extremely hard questions??? And tbh I am not fully prepared for those theory subjects. So what should I do ??? If any one of you can give me any suggestions I'll be grateful 🙏
Tldr: I had my cs practical today and they gave me really tough written questions and the viva was no less than an interrogation. Idk I might fail in this or further in the other subjects if this happens like this