Have my ultrasound/amniocentesis Friday with mfm. Positive trisomy 18 nipt.
Only a couple more days until we maybe have some answers about our daughter. I’ll be 15 weeks tomorrow and had got a positive nipt for trisomy 18 a few weeks ago. Thankfully our appointment is 7:30 in the morning so we don’t have to wait all day. My ppv was 48% and after speaking with GC she was cautiously optimistic that this is a case of cpm and felt our ppv is actually lower, but because of my age (38) it’s automatically higher. I have been to this mfm before in my last pregnancy for different reasons. From my experience what happens is, they scan you and then the doctor goes over it and comes in and discusses the findings with you. My question is, would it be out of line to ask the tech to explain what she sees? Normally, in a healthy pregnancy they have no problem doing that. BUT this potentially isn’t… I know they technically shouldn’t tell you anything, but we both know why I am there so it’s not a mystery. They also have TV screens so you don’t have to break your neck trying to look at their screen so it’s not like I won’t be looking at it. Was anyone able to tell for themselves that their baby doesn’t look right? I’m just trying to prepare myself for the worst news.