4T Denny’s Jensen tribute.

Just floating this out there early.

NVDA has made most of us a lot of money. I love the idea that we all show our gratitude to Jensen Huang and the rest of NVDA while still maintaining humility.

I suggest that we all go enjoy a nice meal at Denny’s and take a picture of ourselves. We can all post our pictures here with some words of thankfulness when NVDA crosses 4 Trillion market cap… hopefully next year.

If you don’t know the connection just Google it.

Who’s in? Thoughts?

Just floating this out there early.

NVDA has made most of us a lot of money. I love the idea that we all show our gratitude to Jensen Huang and the rest of NVDA while still maintaining humility.

I suggest that we all go enjoy a nice meal at Denny’s and take a picture of ourselves. We can all post our pictures here with some words of thankfulness when NVDA crosses 4 Trillion market cap… hopefully next year.

If you don’t know the connection just Google it.

Who’s in? Thoughts?