Male names that match with Indartsu?
Hi! I'm struggling to come up with a name for a male. All I have so far is that I want a name with the same vibe as Roux but Roux is already used so of course not actually Roux. His girlfriend is Indartsu but she goes by Indie so maybe something that would make a cute couple name together?
I haven't decided much on him yet. A darker vibe, he seems mean at first but he's actually pretty chill when you get to know him. He apologises for being unkind to someone after he finds out that the allegations were false and the person is innocent. He's a good fighter and knows what he wants and how to get it.
I typically look for names that are direct translations of words that fit them into certain languages so words for him would be fighter, strength, warrior, survivor, battle, similar words to that! No surnaming yet. Thanks.