NF looking for new nanny
I’m so flabbergasted right now yall. I don’t even know what to say. A few weeks ago before NF & I went on our separate vacations, MB asked me what my next year looked like and if I still planned on staying with them. I said yes of course & we were both happy. We just got back from vacation a few days ago. Today I was on the family ipad to buy something for NK and I saw a notification from Care about someone applying to her job posting. I was so freaked out. So I went on my phone and searched Care and there was my NF’s job posting. They’re looking for a new full time nanny. I started with them in October and I thought things were going great! NF has worries that their 19 month old NK is behind her peers. MB said the other day that her friends kid says 50+ words. But the thing is, NK is learning 3 languages at once! She understands a whole lot and can say a bunch of words too. Their posting says they’re looking for an educational nanny. NK is SO smart and is learning more and more everyday. I’m just confused how we had that conversation a few weeks ago only to end up here. So I guess now I’ll be looking for another job. I don’t think i’ll mention anything to NF since it seems like they’ve already made up their mind. Just a little disappointed I guess…