NPs being tone deaf

I know what this job is. I know what this job entails. I know it is a job and I am an employee. Let’s not do the thing where people act obtuse because they know something applies to them but cognitive dissonance prevents them from accepting that.

As a nanny, I do not want to hear my bosses talk about how hard it is to be a parent when it’s two of you doing everything (minus the things you ask me to do but don’t do yourself). Even if a spouse is out of town, I still don’t want to hear how you struggle.

I don’t want to hear how because you were having such a hard time, you didn’t uphold your half of an established way of handling things, leaving me with extra the next day. I do not want to hear how you really wanted Kid 1 to do X activity that starts 10 minutes after Kid 2 finishes Y activity, knowing it will be me who has to figure out all the logistics.

I do not. Want. To hear. Excuses about why my job is harder today. I do not want to hear you try to make me feel sad for you. I am not. I am an empathetic person. I do a lot, more importantly I’m happy to do it.

It might not be believable after reading the first part but I am happy to do my job. But please do not make me listen to a bunch of blah blah. Like stop pls. I’m going to figure out drop off and pickup. I’m going to navigate the impossible scheduling you made without considering that NK2 is gonna have to poop around the time you want me to get NK1 to an activity. I will do my job. Happily. And well, as I always do. But I never agreed to listening to a bunch of BS. Excuses, complaining about being a parent… etc I’m sorry but no. I’m not talking about situations where they’re obviously giving reasoning/explanations that benefit the day or help me understand. No it’s the “oh nanny I’m so sorry we just couldnt (insert something I do 5x a week BY MYSELF) it was so hard”. Like girl stop.