Uncomfortable working conditions
I tagged this am I overreacting because I need to know if this is something that’s fair for me to have a problem with.
MB works from home. DB has an office in town but sometimes will WFH. Sometimes DB will come home early and nap or whatever. When MB is having meetings or needs privacy in their bedroom/office, DB will nap on the couch.
The house is small. Leaving is not an option today and many days it isn’t (but I do leave when I can) and going outside is not an option due to weather.
I do not feel comfortable working around a grown man laying on the couch, frankly. Maybe it’s past sexual trauma but this has never been a thing. Maybe since all of my other jobs have been in bigger houses I’ve never been in this position. Trying to keep the kids quiet around him, trying to avoid looking in his direction because he wears loose shorts, and honestly feeling real servant-ish tiptoeing around him in this small house with loud kids.
I understand it’s his house. I understand he would be in his bedroom if it was an option. I’m uncomfortable regardless.
Is this a personal problem or would you feel uncomfortable as well? Again, I do leave the house when I can.
Edit: let me be clear, I do not think DB is being inappropriate. This is not that. I mentioned my past trauma because I am considering it as a reason as to why I am uncomfortable in general. I’m asking if this is something that would make your working conditions uncomfortable.