Not looking to start WW3 but why do they/you care?
Over time I have seen a lot of posts about nannies complaining about NP being at home/not working. Complaining that NP are not working and are using the time their nanny is in home to sleep in, nap, take appointments, relax, exercise, socialize with friends or family…
My question is why does it matter to them/you?
Our family dynamic is one working parent and one SAH parent. Our nanny is with us 38 hours per week. One of us is up with our toddler every morning, we eat dinner all together most every night, and for 6 months of the year we have zero help for the other 133 hours a week. So why does it matter that SAHP is chilling? Or luxuriating? Being a parent is HARD, and sometimes the nanny IS the village.