I think I solved Cair Paravel (esoteric anagram)

Cair Paravel has always looked like a Latin anagram to me.

I noticed this last year sometime but got distracted and didn’t solve the whole thing.

If you rearrange the letters in Cair Paravel they are

“Per Calvaria” in Latin

Which means in English

“Through the Skull”

Christians in antiquity referred to this as, “Calvary”

It is known by another name as well.

Cair Paravel has always looked like a Latin anagram to me.

I noticed this last year sometime but got distracted and didn’t solve the whole thing.

If you rearrange the letters in Cair Paravel they are

“Per Calvaria” in Latin

Which means in English

“Through the Skull”

Christians in antiquity referred to this as, “Calvary”

It is known by another name as well.