Is this guy’s genjutsu still the strongest to this day?

I mean, it has so many statement feats and one practical feat that makes it seemingly the most broken genjutsu:

  • Shisui could use it on the entire Uchiha Clan to stop the rebellion. (Statement feat)

  • Itachi was planning to use it to control EMS Sasuke. (Statement feat)

  • Danzo used it to control Mifune. (Practical feat)

  • Dazo planned on using it on freaking Obito. (Statement feat)

  • Controlled edo Itachi, and by proxy, essentially made him disobey Kabuto’s control over him.

  • Stated by Itachi, who has Tsukuyomi, that it’s the most powerful genjutsu in existence.


I mean, it has so many statement feats and one practical feat that makes it seemingly the most broken genjutsu:

  • Shisui could use it on the entire Uchiha Clan to stop the rebellion. (Statement feat)

  • Itachi was planning to use it to control EMS Sasuke. (Statement feat)

  • Danzo used it to control Mifune. (Practical feat)

  • Dazo planned on using it on freaking Obito. (Statement feat)

  • Controlled edo Itachi, and by proxy, essentially made him disobey Kabuto’s control over him.

  • Stated by Itachi, who has Tsukuyomi, that it’s the most powerful genjutsu in existence.
