“You really expect me to believe that?”

"I mean...With all due respect what you said is crazy, Even for me!"

makima blinked at the young blonde in front of her with a dead blank look. Her fake smile whipped completely off her beautiful face. With all due respect herself she couldn't see why he wouldn't. A traumatized orphan in need of a parental figure, on top of holding the same thing that ruined his life inside him?

The similarities between him and her old dog where enough to even make her raise a brow. But...it would make sense for things to be complicated in this new world. She could still feel the phantom goosebumps of being cut into. Even the sight of a fridge still made her nauseous. Sighing through her nose the chain user reached up to tuck a stray strand of red hair behind her ear.

"No no...this is an entire new world with different people and sets of powers I'm not accustomed to. It was idiotic on my end to think it'd be this easy..."

"Well if it makes you feel any better..you managed to get this far!"

"I suppose.."

Squinting makima continued to take him in.

"So what gave it away?"

"Well for starters you crash into my balcony out like a light, naked and bleeding out to death. Then after waking up you immediately ask to see things I've never even heard of! And after going to the libary for an entire day you randomly start calling yourself my clan member and a uzumaki..."

Makima exhaled sharply as her plastic smile twitched.

"You aren't going to report me for impersonating someone?"

"Well...no. Like you said I could use someone around the house to help me! The way you used those chains to take down Mizuki was awesome!"

This brought on a unfamiliar warm feeling inside the woman's chest. She knew even if the boy had plans to rat her out he could be delt with easily...but having him around would make for better entertainment.

I.E Makima gets isekai into the Naruto verse after getting defeated.