Is this breakage? Mini twits journey

Hi everyone!

I made this mini twits one week ago and I decided to undo them today because they looked frizzy. However, I was analyzing the twits carefully and there ways a lot of hair around them.

Is it breakage? If it is, how can I avoid it? I really wanted mini twits to work out for me because it is low tension protective style but I don't know if it will :( here are some things I have been doing to take care of hair:

  • I twits in a clean, deep conditioned and blow out hair
  • I moisturized and oiled my hair during the week
  • I made a spray to refresh my scalp (water + aloe vera + rosemery essential oil + grape seed oil). I did it because my hair tangles if I wash it on mini twits and I can't find scalp refresher to buy where I live
  • I trimmed my hands recently

Please, help me. I don't know what else to try.

I suspected that the problem could be the use of the scalp refresher I made, because it let my root weat. But I am not sure.