Partner (

My previous post got deleted, because there was a small portion in Dutch, I have tried to translate it, but some words stays in dutch, so please don't remove it, I am just looking for help!


I sell on and recently received an email about needing to assign a "market operator (marktdeelnemer)" for my products due to the Digital Services Act. I import from mainly China and the UK and make a small portion myself. wants me to insert marktdeelnemers from the EU, but there is nothing and who even should be listed there, me? because I make some stuff? What should I do with all the stuff I received from China?

Customer service told me to contact a legal firm for guidance, but I can’t afford that as I only made 40 EUR last year. Can I add myself as the responsible market operator for products I make or import? I’m really unsure and could use some help understanding what to do.