I have a Quad Cortex!
I was so fortunate to find a Quad Cortex under the Christmas tree this year. I was literally speechless.
I have been playing guitar for 41 years now and have always been a pedals and amp person as that was all that was available to me for so long. Outboard gear was something I had years ago but I gave that up when I stopped performing live and got a "real job", ugg.
I'm so happy with this piece of gear that I can't really put it into words. It's just so easy to use and the tones I've been able to get almost immediately have blown me away. I've tried for years to achieve so many of them only to never really achieve what I wanted to hear. Now I am able to hear what I hear in my head.
My question to you all is about the archetypes that are available. Is it true that as a quad cortex owner, you can get one archetype for free? I know that you can try them for a limited time but I thought I read somewhere that one is available to keep. If so, does anyone know how to go about doing this? I'm just very new to the process of downloading captures and presets but I'm getting better. :)
All the best to everyone! Cheers!
Edit: Looks like I have my answer. Thanks so much! I'm going to go and play now. This is a great sub. Cheers to you all!