How i manifested an apartment i wanted and specifics. When nothing seemed promising.

Hello everyone. I wanted to share a manifestation story of mine that happened back in 2023. This was before i knew about Neville's teachings & the law of assumption. But was some what aware of manifestation and that you can create things in your reality through imagination & belief you have received. What i did is pretty much what Neville he teaches. I have manifested many other things in the past like moving countries, my ideal partner, money, change in someone's behavior, a cars. My daughter getting into a specific school, a bully moving to another school.

Its a bit lengthy, But here it goes.

Around October 2022 i was in a very crappy environment and wanted to get out to badly. So i started looking at apartments. I wanted to stay in the area i was in. I wanted to move into a specific apartment building that my friend was in, no higher than the 5th floor, facing the sun and i wanted to move in by May 2023 so i could enjoy the summer in my new place . I had lived in the one Infront of it so i was familiar with the layout and vibe. I had no savings, but i didn't care, i just wanted out of where i was. And knew i would find a way. I called the rental office to see if anything was available, but every time they kept telling me there's nothing and to call back in 2 weeks. I told them to also let me know if anything pops up which was agreed. I kept calling and still nothing. Because i was so eager and almost desperate i started looking else where. In areas that would inconvenience me. But when i would view theses apartments i just couldn't settle. I wanted what i wanted, so i disregarded them. In the mean time i started packing & organizing what i could. I would buy little things for my apartment i didn't event have in the 3D yet. I would draw on paper how i wanted to lay out my furniture, i have a very vivid imagination. I would picture myself in there also. And i kept thinking about the month of May, i could see everything done on May timeline.

Around mid February 2023 i called the rental office again. Same thing, Nothing available. It had been 4 months of this. Now this was the point i just could not take the feeling of desperation and disappointment anymore i was tired of feeling this way. May was approaching also. So in that moment i said F it. I am letting this go, If i get it after summer i don't mind anymore, but i will get it ( This was me unconsciously surrendering, Taking my claws out the 3D). I decided that i will not let my current circumstances bother me anymore and will just get through it knowing what i will have intime.

It was Early March, a week or 2 later after i surrender the need (not sure on exact time, because i had forgot about my desire & was just getting on with my life and time doesn't matter) I had the nudge to call the rental office (Inspired Action) I called them and asked the same question. She said 'there was something but someone else have already applied and everything looks good, they will most likely get it". I reminded her that i had asked to be informed when something was available. She gave me some excuse. I said i wanted to still submit my application. I just wanted to get something done. So she told me to come in that day. Before i went into the rental office i sat in my car and just started affirming for about a minuet & declaring that this apartment was mine and i already have the keys bla bla bla.

Then i went in the office and gave her my documents. She was huffing and puffing, her energy & vibe felt like she was inconvenienced by my presence. I instantly got annoyed and said "why do you have this attitude??" She said "there is no attitude". I was just done with this and was in no mood for this. I said "okay, can i have the head office number please". She said "what is head office going to do?" I said "i don't know maybe they can help me because i am not getting anywhere with you".

What i said must have lit a fire up her. She said "you know what, i don't normally do this but i will go ahead and submit it directly for you". I said "okay perfect". She started being nice to me all of a sudden loool. Once it was don't she said she would call me If i get it. I was just happy i got something done. I get home and 2 hours later she calls me and said "Congrats you got the apartment"

I was shocked, the fact that someone else had already applied and seemed promising 'apparently' And i did not wake up that same morning thinking i would have an apartment by the afternoon.

Oh and the move in date was May 1st. On the 1st floor, Facing the sun, in the building i wanted. I also got the biggest tax return i have ever got 12k, my dad offered to send me 5k to help furnish my place. One of my friends randomly gifted me $900. I also manifested $2000 (This is another manifestation story i will share in detail also) So i now had the money for 1st and Last payment. All the furniture i needed and a little savings.

So what i learned from this is.

When you desire something, feel it real, accept it as part of your consciousness. Wear it like a perfume. Trust that it is yours and everything is unfolding. Be the person who has it. Let the universe do its thing. Don't look for signs. Some times it seems like nothing is happening. Sometimes it may seem like the opposite is happening. Trust in your imagination. Trust that you have the power and the universe has heard you. You prayer has been answer the moment you accept it.

Don't let circumstance bother you. I ignored the fact that some ones else may get the apartment. Did not faze me really. I knew what i wanted and it was mine and i was willing to be patient.