Wife hasn't slept since birth (4 days)

I am getting very concerned with my wife's energy and sleep levels.

We had an emergency C section a few days ago. She hasn't slept in 4 days now and I don't know what else I can do. She has done pumping and attempted breastfeeding. We have also gone to a few 1 hour classes (e.g. bathing, physio, breastfeeding) over the last few days.

I am doing as much as I can for her and the baby at the moment. - Nappy changes (all but one) - Bottle Feeding (both pumped breastmilk and formula) - 1 Bath - changing clothes for wife and baby sheets - cleaning baby bottles/pump - grabbing various things for my wife (water bottle, clothes, clearing tables so they can place the meal down)

When she isn't attempting to sleep she is doing things like - watching/cuddling baby - breast pumping - attempting breast feeding - eating - asking/waiting for nurses to give pain meds - showering - toilet - getting checks done by nurses/doctors - shifting around in bed trying to get comfortable - saying room is too hot/cold

I have tried having us all sleep in the room but the baby makes lots of squeaks and squirmish sounds which keeps startling my wife and she opens her eyes to check him which breaks her rest opportunities. We tried a pacifier last night because we feel like we are out of all other options with the baby and that helped him stay a bit quieter but my wife was also stressing about negative effects on breastfeeding.

I have also tried sitting with the baby in a sitting area outside the room but she says she still can't sleep and she says she is just lying there with her eyes closed but she's fully conscious. She has tried using earplugs and a facemask to block out light.

I am also exhausted but I have managed to get a few hours of broken sleep each day. My wife was very concerned this morning when I completely slept through the fire drill and has noticed how exhausted I am.

My wife is upset that she is having so much trouble sleeping which seems to be snowballing and causing further anxiety about sleep. The doctor said sleeping pills are unsafe at this time. We have spoken to the nurses and doctor but they basically just blow her off and say this is a new parent thing and they act like it's normal. It doesn't seem normal to not be having any real sleep.

Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't passed out yet and I am very worried for her.

We are due to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow and hopefully she will be able to get some sleep at home in our own bed and there won't be any interruptions from nurses and doctors. Her lack of sleep is very concerning to me. I'm feeling overwhelmed, lost and helpless.