3.5 month old fighting naps

Hi everyone, looking to see if maybe anyone has tips to help my son not be impossible to put to sleep.

The last two weeks he’s been fighting his naps SO hard, every time it’s time to rock him he will scream and cry and go full rigid, until he just eventually gives up and sleeps after what feel like years on the yoga ball. Carrier nap? Not anymore. Put him down to sleep in his crib on his own? Won’t have it. I feel like I’ve used all the tricks that I know from my first kid and nothings working. I try to follow wake windows and sleepy cues and he seems tired after an hour. I’ve tried 1.25 and 1.5 he seems overtired and fights just as hard at that point but an hour feels so short for this age? Regardless he fights that too.

Maybe this is the 4 month regression creeping in or maybe I’m doing something wrong, just need a fresh set of eyes. Thanks!