First time c section mom, and holy sht.

So for context, I had her on Monday, and my birth was traumatic. I went to be induced Sunday night, they didn’t actually start it til Monday morning. They started cervadil at 4am, pitocin at about 9, epidural around 10, and then they waited til about noon to break my water. From there, I dilated from a 2 to about a 6 in less than an hour. By 1, they upped my pitocin bc it started to slow down, and they started moving me into different positions. Around 5, baby’s heart rate dipped into the 40s and they kept losing it on and off for about 10 minutes. I suddenly had 10-12 people in my room, gave me oxygen, had me signing waivers for emergency c section, and me and my husband just held hands and cried, saying how much we loved each other. After that, they gave me a shot to stop contractions and it worked, stabilizing baby. So they let me rest for an hour, put an internal monitor to watch her closer, and then turned pitocin back on for an hour. She was okay, but my progression hit an 8cm mark and stalled. So we gently went into c section. She was born at 7:30 and was perfectly healthy. The rest was a blur. But everything was okay. Honestly 0/10. Never doing this sht again. Regardless, this c section recovery is simultaneously the easiest and hardest recovery I’ve ever had? Like. I have this god awful stabbing feeling on the right side of my incision when I try to move, but once I’m up, I’m good. Otherwise I’m pooping, peeing, walking (slowly), you name it. No pain outside of that one stupid spot. But dude. My body KNOWS it went through trauma and wants to sleep 24/7, but it can’t bc I have a whole newborn now. How in the hell are you guys surviving the sleepiness? It’s not like when I had my boys years ago. They were vaginal deliveries and even though it hurt to exist, the sleepiness wasn’t this severe. Probably bc I wasn’t completely traumatized and didn’t go through major surgery. I just wanna know what the hell im doing wrong lol. This is brutal in the most unexpected ways.