Help! am i breast feeding my baby to much

My baby is four weeks old today, and since literally day one she has been attached to my breast, i mean all day every day and then night as well, i know about cluster feeding but i thought it ended after a few days or weeks?? it has been like this every day for a month, don’t get me wrong i absolutely love it and im so grateful im able to breastfed but i truly can’t get anything done im sat on the lounge all day for hours and hours and i can’t get much of a break because if i give her to my partner because she just cries for me feel like im feeding her to much?? She only seems to not be crying when she’s feeding so the minute she cries i put her on my boob and she stops instantly but is this wrong of me am i feeding her to much i worry she gets uncomfortable due to being over fed and that’s what causes the crying? I read about some woman feeding every two hours i think im feeding like every 10 minutes 😫