As a full-time college student, I'm finding it hard to have a consistent upload schedule. What kind of content should I make?

As I said in the title, I'm a full-time college student. Almost all day every day, I'm doing school work. Even so, I really want to make more YouTube videos. I watch YouTube during a lot of my free time, so I want to be able to make good videos that other people would want to watch. I want to make great gaming videos. However, the kind of videos I like to make require a lot of editing, especially if I recorded for an hour and a half, but I need to cut it down to a 20-minute video. It takes me about 2-3 hours to edit, and that's not including the time it takes to record. What kind of videos can I make that are still gaming videos, but they don't take a lot of time to make?

I've thought about live-streaming, since I can just play, and that doesn't require any editing. But I've been having a lot of problems with the streams having low-resolution, or them buffering a lot, etc. So I've been sticking with YouTube videos for now. And I will say, my channel has been growing a tiny bit over the last couple weeks. I uploaded almost nothing last year, but in the last month, I've really been pushing to get videos out there, and it's been helping. I want to keep that growth, but like I said, I'm having trouble keeping a good upload schedule.