Question for You Guys!
Ok, so my boy is just under 1.5 years. We live in the Denver area, and the last few days it's been snowing. Since this, it has been harder and harder to get him to come into the house - this morning I literally had to go out in my yard (in the snow, with no pants on 😅) holding a piece of ground beef, and then attach a leash to him in order to get him in so I could get in the shower to get to work on time. I know this is typical newf-ness, but it made me wonder something.
Does anyone just... Leave their newf outside when they go to work? I'm not in a situation where I would currently even consider this (yard isn't secure enough to make me comfortable with it) but it just seems like he wants to be outside. I'm just curious if down the line when I am able to entertain that idea if it's a thing other people have done.
I would obvs need shelter for him and to make sure he has water. I'm immediately apprehensive about the idea (and wouldn't ever do it in the summer) but it just got me wondering if this is maybe a thing I should consider when it's appropriate.