New to Nikon; is my Voigtländer faulty?

This is my third day owning a Nikon; specifically a Nikon Z f, i.e. a full-frame Z series.

I'm trialing three lenses, two of which are AF FX Nikkors and the third of which is a manual DX Voigtländer.

Because the Voigtländer has electronic contacts and is a native Nikon Z lens — not adapted in any way — I was expecting: * the camera would automatically adopt a DX crop; and * full manual-focus assistance would be available, including that left/right/circle focus hint in the bottom left.

Neither of these things seems to be true. I have to switch to a DX crop manually and I get only the basic coloured-box yes-or-no focus hints. Which I'd understood was behaviour reserved for lens with no electronics.

I'm still new to the system though, so I don't now whether I've misunderstood and/or whether there's a menu setting I haven't found yet that would clarify.

What should the camera do in response to a Z-native DX chipped lens?