Enhanced full control sucks
Numbers sourced from nine sols wiki
Let’s start with enhanced water flow. It deals 32 + 60 for 1 qi which so 92 damage which is good since the purpose of it is low risk low reward.
Full enhanced control (the one about doing a lot of damage) deals 32 + 40 * number of qi used + 56 if 5 qi used for a total of 288
Now we have Qi blast which I will be using cloud piercer for since it’s really easy to calculate damage for and really easy to hit a cloud piercer after a talisman attack (you just press 2 buttons and it’s nearly a guaranteed hit) which alone cloud piercer does 248 damage and the talisman does 32 + 32 * qi charges used + 1 because they wanted to add a extra 32 damage for no reason. Which is 160 damage for 3 qi for a total of 408 with the arrow.
Therefore enhanced qi blast is the best as it deals more damage and has more attacking opportunities then full control (less wind up time).
Thanks for attending my nerd out and correct me if I’m wrong on anything.
Edit: just to clarify I’m not trying to diss anyone’s play style even if it sounds that way. I’m just trying to go over some numbers for damage and compare the spell styles to see which one does the most. By all means play the game how you want to.