Guys below 25, stop now
The brain isn't fully mature until around age 25. Stopping addictions before age 25 is crucial because the brain is still developing, especially the prefrontal cortex, which governs decision-making, impulse control, and long-term planning. Addictions (like porn and masturbation) disrupt this development, leading to lasting changes in brain structure and function, making recovery harder, and increasing the risk of long-term dependency.
There's this thing called neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself. It's at its peak before age 25. Addictions can hijack this plasticity, reinforcing harmful behaviors and pathways. If stopped early, the brain has a better chance to rewire positively and recover from the effects of addiction, supporting healthier habits and development.
In other words, if you think it's hard to stop now, you have no idea how hard it's gonna be after around 25 or so. Stop now.