How do you talk to girls?

I thought this was a stupid enough question to ask here. I'm 16M and in 10th grade right now. In one of my classes, one desk up and right of me, there's a girl who is super pretty, has a good taste in pop culture, and from what I can get from convos between her and her friends, is pretty funny. The only thing is that I have literally never spoken a word to this girl. I've tried coming up with literal schemes involving dropping a pencil nearby her somehow and asking her to get it, which I never follow through on. I've considered just being a normal human and saying "damn bro I love your Spider-Man hoodie", but I freeze up when I get the chance. How can I talk to this girl in a relatively normal way without making it seem like I've been plotting ways to talk to her for over half the school year now? Bonus question: is this a normal thing people do?