Need help raising wife’s libido

My wife and I have 3 kids. Her 38 me 36. We used to have sex all day everyday. Completely understand things change and we obviously don’t have the time to do that anymore, nor am I expecting that. Her libido is set for once a week and content. I can go everyday. If I can get it to where we have sex 2x a week, I feel like it would make worlds of difference for both of us in our relationship.

I’m in great shape and exercise 4-5 days a week hard. Boxing/lift weights etc. She is in decent to good shape. Lifts maybe 3 times a week on her own.

I don’t blame her for anything and know that it’s probably hormones changing, we had 3 kids, our lives got busy, we got older, etc.

Well to get to the point, I was listening to the ND podcast on females using Tongkat Ali and cistanche. Would this be good for my wife to try? Anything you recommend for boosting energy and libido for females? Is it a low testosterone thing possibly?

Appreciate any feedback!

Edit: maca doesn’t seem to do much for her.