Roadtrip Honeymoon in Norway
Hi all, my wife and me (both 24) are looking to spend our honeymoon traveling with a car and sleeping in a tent, somewhere between May and August. As we both like nature, and are living in the Netherlands where there are no monuntains, we wanted to spend our honeymoon in the Alps, hiking, driving and enjoying places.
However, we have came to the idea that Norway could be a more interesting place for us currently, and have decided to do it that way. None of us was ever in Norway or any neighbouring country, and we do not know how to set up our honeymoon there, heck, we never traveled with a car and a tent in this way and want to give it a shot.
Our plan is to drive with the car from the Netherlands to Norway, and than start our remarkable 7 day journey trhough Norway. But we are overwhelmed by the amount of places and things that there are to visit in Norway. We would like to visit as much as possible, while still keeping the balance of hiking, sighseighn, visiting some cities, and not driving all day every day.
Do you have any kind of recomendations from us, on anything. Where to start from, what to visit, which hikes and walking routes to go to, where and how to find a spot for our tent (3P heavy from Dechatlon - not viable to carry long distances), is 7 days in Norway enough for us to have a trip of our lives and fully enjoy the nature and culture that Norway has to offer.
We would really appreaciate any kind of advice, that can help us to make this possible.
Tusen takk!!!