Plan for online NucMed at PITTCC fell through. Other online options?

Online associates in radiology courses, in person clinical?

Good Afternoon, I am coming here after scouring Google, and some Reddit posts. I had my plan to start an online nuclear medicine associates program at PITT community college this summer. Longggg story short, after completing all my prerequisites to apply in January for summer start. The director informs me it’s a long shot because they need 4-6 months to secure a contract in my was known throughout our email exchange, my location and the process was never fully elaborated on.

ANYWAY, he is confident there is not enough time, and the program is now full and suggests trying next year 🙃.

Does anyone know of any other associates degrees in radiology or similar fields for an associates, where course work is completed online,with in person clinical by state/location? TIA! I am in Louisiana