How to nail an infusion interview?
I just landed an interview for an infusion center. The patient population is high in cancer (some infusions may be experimental), autoimmune diseases and transplant populations. I’m very excited for this opportunity and want to nail this interview!
Background: I interviewed for another infusion job (same company, different entity) and thought I did great. I had a friend that worked there and she said management loved me and coworkers really liked me. Even at the end of the interview, the hiring manager said “we’ll talk soon!”. I sent a follow up email and didn’t hear anything back for just shy of a month. I was denied and the position was given to someone else.
I’ve been in the ER for just about 7 years. It’s all I know. I’m completely burned out and it’s making me a miserable person. I feel like I’m going to die there as a nurse if no one takes a chance on me.
What are some good questions to ask an infusion manager? I’ve been with the company for 3 years, so I feel like I know it pretty well. I’m not sure what questions to ask within the company area.
I get very nervous during interviews and word vomit comes out. I don’t say anything stupid but I feel like I’m not competitive enough with other candidates.
Any and all info is greatly appreciated!