Dealing with sexual bodily fluids with contamination OCD?

Hiya, I’m a young adult who’s recently started doing sexual things with my current partner, all things I haven’t done before.

It’s becoming increasingly a problem that Instead of focussing on what we’re doing, I can’t stop thinking about the fluids on clothes, hands, hair, the bed etc. I hate this and I don’t know how to make it better. I just start wanting to disinfect everything and constantly want to wash my hands. I don’t have any particular fears of STIs, just the dirtiness of bodily fluids. I’m worried this will come between me and my partners relationship as I can’t focus on them and how they make me feel.

I’m on OCD meds and I’ve had CBT, and I’ve found that my OCD worries can be calmed with facts. So to everyone here, has anyone dealt with the same thing?? If so, what did you do to stop it? And are there any facts I should know about bacteria etc that may help with irrational fears?

Thank you :))