need some desperate advice. received 27 today. thinking of returning for 32.
I received today the AW2725DF. i put it on my desk and kept looking at it for more than half an hour (seriously) because i could not decide if i want to open it and look at it or return it to amazon and get the 32 4k version
i didn't buy my gpu yet so that also is making me undecided. like do i open it and get a 4080s or return it and get a 4090 for 4k. which is another thing. people say 4090 will start struggling at 4k in the near future, others say they run cyberpunk at 120fps at max no dlss, i dont know what to believe
i play 80% single player and even mostly old titles. i have a 3 yo gaming laptop with oled screen which i can play shooters in. but i just cant decide what i want about this monitor
the desk is about 70cm/2.2ft by 100cm//3.2ft.
7800x3d. psu rm1000x. gpu pending.